ahg barrel extension tube Set for F27A

Product number: 100622

Front Sight Holder, Center-Ring and T...

Weight: 4 kg
Delivery time: 4 - 15 working days

Front Sight Holder, Center-Ring and Tube


Made from high-strength aluminum and naturally anodized, this ahg-tube extends the sighting line by 157 mm. The weight of 163 g optimized the muzzle inertia during shot release and also allows more added weights to balance the sporting rifle ideally.


A center ring with an integrated positioning pin is supplied which allows a repeatedly exact mounting and de-mounting of the barrel extension. This tube should be cleaned after each shooting heat in order to avoid oxidation and guarantee optimum operation.


The robust clamp made from stainless steel threaded nuts and cylinder screws ensures best functioning.


This set includes additionally a front sight which can be used in standing position in case less weight and sighting line is favored. Upon changing, the center ring remains on the barrel and ensures a quick and repeatedly accurate mounting between positions.


The ahg-barrel extension is especially crafted with an inner diameter of 23.05 mm, accurately fitting all F27A models.
